Executive summary about The Lactivist by Jennifer Laycock
It's not about a mother's right to breastfeed. It's easy enough for people to tell a woman that they should "respect" other people. It's about a baby's right to eat.
Seriously. I've found that when you change the perspective from mothers' rights to babies' rights, you tend to win people over more quickly and more easily. While we've made this a battle for the women's movement, we need to be making it a battle for children's rights.
It's not that a mother has the right to breastfeed wherever she might be, it's that the baby has the right to EAT wherever that baby might be. The mothers' rights and needs that we should be campaigning for are the right to good information from health care providers, the right to access lactation consultants and peer counselors and the right to express milk during the work day. Do we stand to make more progress by focusing on the rights and needs of the child rather than on the rights and needs of the mother?
jika bunda menyusui dan bunda diet, bukan berarti bunda harus mengurangi kadar asupan, melainkan mengatur pola asupan sehingga lebih sehat dan lebih bermanfaat bagi bunda sendiri, utamanya juga bagi si kecil yang sedang perlu-perlunya asupan gizi bagi perkembangan tubuh dan otaknya. Dapat dilihat di https://www.facebook.com/GizipadaIbuMenyusui
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