Mini Electric Breast Pump Instructions
Executive summary about medela electric breast pump by Josie Myers
Clearly, electric breast pumps were designed with the busy Mom in mind! A pump like the Mini Electric from Medela is intended for moms who occasionally need to pump a bottle for their babies, has several parts including the motor, breast shield, plug, valve and a stand for holding the bottle. First, screw the breast shield into the motor. Next, the valve with plug attached should be positioned at the bottom of the breast shield so that it sits in the bottle neck when the bottle is screwed onto the breast shield. Once the parts are placed in the correct order, the pump can be used with batteries.
Each woman requires a different level suction for comfort and effectiveness. If it is your first time using a breast pump, try it on the lowest suction level first just to get used to the feeling. Most women will produce a single feeding bottle in as much time as it takes to feed the baby. Occasionally, the breast may be suctioned into the shield and a finger can be inserted to break the seal and prevent injury to the breast.
After use, the pump needs to be cleaned properly to prevent contamination of future milk. The breast shield, valve, plug and bottle should all be cleaned.
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