Executive summary about hot soapy water by David
Does hot water clean surfaces, either counters or skin, better than cold water if soap is involved? Yes, soap is important, and yes, hot water is better than cold. Cold water is better than none. Soapy water is better than plain water.
Is soap the most important ingredient? Hard to say, since you need water to do the actual washing; otherwise you'd have a big soapy mess. But, yes, soap is of critical importance in separating dirt from the dirty article and, equally important, helps kill germs.
In his recent book, Eat, Drink and Be Merry, Dr. Dean Edell talks a bit about washing up. He says, "The one universal and most important preventive in the spread of infectious disease is washing your hands." He cites research showing that a hand-washing group of kids missed 23% fewer school days due to infectious disease. Wet hands hold on to germs. So even though you need the water for washing, you also need it to go away in order to finish the job. Regular soap is fine, you don't need expensive antibacterial fancy-pants soap.
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